Engelske bøker : FS 33

Bok Engelsk 2014
Dahl, Michael (forf.) . Blood in the library
Dahl, Michael (forf.) . Dictionary of 1000 rooms
Dahl, Michael (forf.) . Ghost writer
Kinney, Jeff (forf.) . Greg Heffley's journal
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1 kasse, 30 bøker, 2 lydbøker,
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Kassen inneholder 30 engelskspråklige bøker + 2 lydbøker som passer for barn.. - Inneholder disse bøkene: Dahl, Michael: "Blood in the Library", "Dictioanry of 1000 rooms", "Ghost writer", "Inkfoot", "Killer App", "Rats on the Page", "The book ate my brother", The Sea of lost Books", "The Vampire Chapter", "Zombie in the Library", Huges, Shirley: " In the fast lane"(5 stk), Kinney, Jeff: "Greg Heffley's journal" (5 stk), Walliams, David: "Billionaire Boy" (5 bøker, 1 lydbok), "Gangsta-Granny" (5 bøker, 1 lydbok),

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