Remember your humanity : proceedings of the forty-seventh Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Lillehammer, Norway, 1-7 August, 1997
editor Joseph Rotblat
Bok Engelsk 1997 Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs
Medvirkende | Rotblat, Joseph, (redaktør)
Utgitt | Singapore : World Scientific , [1997]
Omfang | XX, 948 s. : ill.
Opplysninger | Av innholdet: Environmental security in north-west Russia / Siri Bjerke. Environmental radioactivity and nuclear safety in the northwestern part of Russia : future challenges to prevent discharge of radioactivity from nuclear installations / Terje Strand. Intermediate storage of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel at the Kola Peninsula / Nils Bohmer
Emner | |
Dewey | |
ISBN | 9789810240868