The mission

Denayer ; Van Hamme ; colour work: Bertrand Denoulet ; translator: Jerome Saincantin ; lettering and text layout: Design Amorandi.
Bok Engelsk 2013 Jean van Hamme,· Tegneserier
Annen tittel
Denayer, Christian (illustratør)
Canterbury : Cinebook , 2013
56 s. : ill.
Meet Wayne Shelton, the man you call when you want the impossible done. When a high-ranking official of a small nation in the Caucasus is killed in a car accident, the plans of a massive multinational corporation are derailed by one man: the unfortunate French trucker who caused the accident. Pressure from the unions in France and the military in Khalakjistan prevents a quick diplomatic solution. So, to secure its own interests, the corporation calls upon the one man who can break the trucker out of prison and disarm the confrontation: Wayne Shelton.
9781849181594(h.) : 112 kr

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