Twenty odd years : the story of...

Vic Godard & the Subway Sect
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1999 · Punk
London : Motion , 1999
2 kompaktplater : digital, stereo
Innhold: Nobody's Scared ; Parallell Lines ; Chain Smoking ; No Love Now ; Exit No Return ; Ambition ; Rock & Roll Even ; Birth and Death ; Stool Pigeon ; Enclave ; Empty Shell ; Split up the Money ; Vertical Integration ; Same Mistakes ; Malicious Love ; Imbalance ; Nullify My Reputation ; Johnny Thunders ; Keep Our Chains ; Outrageous Things ; Place We Use to Live ; Ambition ; We Oppose All Rock & Roll/ Sister Ray (Live at California Ballroom, Dunstable) ; Stop That Girl ; The Water Was Bad ; Exit No Return ; Make Me Sad ; Devil's in League With You ; No Style ; Swing Gently ; Be Your Age ; Hey Now I'm in Love ; Chain Smoking ; T.R.O.U.B.L.E. ; Miss Sadie ; In the Shadow of Your Ego ; Won't Turn Back ; One Step ; Common Thief ; Won't Turn Back (Dennis Bovell Dub) ; Wayward Biro ; End of the Surrey People ; Nasty Man [Live at the LSE] ; Nobody's Scared
Punk . - Rock
179 kr

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