4 by Agnés Varda

written and directed by Agnés Varda
DVD Fransk 2007 · Drama
Tekstet på: Engelsk
Varda, Agnès (regissør)
[S.l.] : The Criterion Collection , cop. 2007
4 videoplater (DVD-video)(1 t 20 min ; 1 t 29 min ; 1 t 20 min ; 1 t 45 min) : lyd, kol., s./h. + Video
Filmene ble laget i 1954, 1961, 1964, 1985. - Innhold: La pointé courté ; Cléo from 5 to 7 ; Le bonheur ; Vagabond. - Rolleliste Cléo from 5 to 7: Corinne Marchand, Antoine Bourseiller, Dominique Davray et. al.. - Rolleliste La pointé courté: Silvia Monfort, Philippe Noiret. - Rolleliste Le bonheur: Jean-Claude Drouot, Claire Drouot, Olivier Drouot et. al.. - Rolleliste Vagabond: Sandrine Bonnaire, Setti Ramdane, Francis Balchère et. al.. - Aldersgrense: 15 år
Geografisk emneord
1-934121-85-1 : 200 kr

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