Classic sound effects

Musikk på CD Flerspråklig 1993 · Lydeffekter
[England] : Transacord , 1993
1 kompaktplate : Digital, mono
Innhold:Various clocks; Church bells and carillon; Large, heavy doors; Rifles, guns, bombs, shells and explosions; Industrial machinery, road drills, newspaper printing press, vehicle with sire; Applausr from audience in large hall and small club - cheering crowd outdoors - excited crowd at race course and at large football stadium; Customers in a busy pub; Quiet ambience in a large echoing building - cathedral interior, distant sound of chanting etc.; Children i school playground; dogs and cats; Thunderstorms; Rain and wind; Lighthouse fog horn, klaxon fog horn, bell buoys and sirens in busy port; seagulls; Fishing boats leave harbour; Various sounds of the sea; Water dripping - fast running river; Ducks, swans, geese and coots and moorhen; Rooks and crows; Winter morning in the country - cock crow; Birdsong in early summer in the country - cuckoos; Swarm of bees - bee buzzing from flower to flower; Owls - owls in a wood; Startled bird flies off.
180 kr

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