Teaching and learning English

Bok Engelsk 2020
Bøhn, Henrik (redaktør)
Dypedahl, Magne (redaktør)
Myklevold, Gro-Anita (redaktør)
Oslo : Cappelen Damm akademisk , 2020
363 s. : fig.
2th edition
Har bibliografi, data om bidragsyterne, register. - This new edition of the book provides up-to-date knowledge on some of the most essential aspects of modern English teaching and learning in Norway and shows how teachers can help learners increase their learning outcomes. All the chapters are revised according to the new national curriculum, four new chapters are added and three of the revised chapters are now available online. Teaching and Learning English centers around the four basic skills of language teaching and learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Other essential topics covered include the new national curriculum, plurilingual teaching and learning, intercultural learning, online and digital tools, literature, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary learning, assessment, language awareness and teachers' beliefs, norms and variation and the use of language corpora. Readers are also introduced to the history of English teaching and learning by one of the pioneers of modern English didactics in Norway, Aud Marit Simensen.
Engelsk språk (Faget) : (NO-TrBIB)HUME07934
Fagdidaktikk : (NO-TrBIB)HUME25951
Læring : (NO-TrBIB)HUME08079
Undervisningsmetoder : (NO-TrBIB)HUME07903
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978-82-02-54761-5(h.) : Nkr 489.00

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