Rock piano

taught by John Jarvis
Bok Uten språklig innhold
Pound Ridge, NY : Hot licks productions inc. , [u.å.]
6 kassetter + tekstbilag
vol 1: Rock 'n Roll notation ; vol 4: A complete examination of chords and their notation ; Practical application of Rock 'n Roll notation ; The 12-bar blues ; Basic patterns for rhythm, bass, chords and melody. Blue notes. ; Minor keys ; Examinations of Rock stylings ; Ear training and intermediate transposing. ; vol 5: Advanced notation ; vol 2: Intermediate time signatures ; Triplets ; Introduction to Reggae ; Rock ballads. ; Finding keys ; Transposing. ; Shuffle patterns ; Sharps and flats ; vol 6: Advanced stylings for Blues, Jazz and Country ; Advanced left hand exercises ; vol 3: Intro to soloing. Technical exercises designed to strengthen the hands for soloing ; Intermediate rhythm patterns. ; The art of playing simple ; Tips on studio work. ; Modulation ; Improvising and song writing. - John Jarvis (klaver)

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