58 songs : with pianoforte accompaniment

by Anton Rubinstein
Musikknoter Engelsk 19
Flere språk: Tysk
London : Augener , [19--?]
174 s.
Platenummer: 7000. - The dream; Spring's emotion; The floweret; Longings; The mariner; Fare thee well; Golden ring my cherished prize; By no breath of spring...; When I see the draw nigh; Howling storm-winds; Spring song; The bright blue eyes of spring; In the forest; There was an aged monarch ; A flower art thou; The Asra; Morning song; On the rose's bosom; The lark; A riddle; See thou the spring; Echo; Not with angels; With thee illumined in my heart; When thy tender feet; It caused the rose a piteous grief : Of topers wise ; I feel the perfume wafted M Quick the Tshadra draw back; Fair bud obedience deign me; Yellow rolls at my feet; The glorius sun, his rays; Be not so coy; God bade the sun; Thy health, Mary; The earth at rest; She sings her lay; Dawn; Now the shadows darken; Clara's song ; Liberty; Tragedy; The dew-drops glitter; Just as a lark mid heaven's blue skies; The haunted wood; Morning; Mountain Violet; I had a tuneful nightingale; Night...; The glance of spring; Ring thou my Pandero; The angel; The captive; Modern greek song ; The roaming swallow; The tear; Good night; A dream

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