Development of a gridded degree-day snow accumulation/ablation model with spatio-temporally varying melt factor

Robin Kirschbaum
Bok Engelsk 1998
Oslo : NVE , 1998
27 s. : ill.
En av to rapporter med lik serienummerering (NVE Report 1998:1). - A gridded snow accumulation/ablation model (GSM) is developed. The model is a degree-day approach which spatially distribute the melt factor based on spatial variability of the net solar radiation derived from a digital elevation model (DEM). The temporal variability of the melt factor is a sinusoid with a minimum in January and a maximum in June. The model provides results which are in better accordance with snow course observations than simulations from the HBV model, and comparison of GSM predicted snow areal extent with satellite images for the melting seasons is in excellent spatial agreement.

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