Altered plasma antioxidant status in subjects with Alzheimer'sdisease and vascular dementia

A.J. Sinclair
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 840- 845
Objectives. Oxygen-free radicals and lipid hydroperoxides may have anaetiological role in the development of lesions in the centralnervous system in patients with Alzheimer's disease and in those withvascular dementia, This study aimed to make a cross-sectionalcomparison of blood markers of oxidative stress in two groups ofpatients with these disorders and a control group.Design. Cross-sectional comparative study.Setting. Established memory clinics in Cardiff organized by aUniversity Department of Geriatric Medicine within an acute cure NHSTrust.Methods. Following a dietary assessment, postprandial venous bloodsamples were obtained from the following: 25 subjects with probableAlzheimer's disease (AD) (mean age 74.3; 10 F, 15 M), 17 subjectswith probable vascular dementia (VD) (mean ale 75.5: 5 F, 12 M): and41 controls (mean age 73.4; 24 F, 17 M) for measurement ofcirculating lipid peroxides (LP), total antioxidant capacity (TAC),vitamin C (VitC), vitamin E (VitE) and beta-carotene (BC).Results. Plasma levels of VitC were significantly lower in subjectswith vascular dementia compared with controls (VD. 6.5 (4.8, 8.2):controls, 10.0 (8.38, 11.6): VD vs controls, p = 0.015). But nosignificant difference was seen between controls and patients withAlzheimer's disease (AD, mean 8.3 (6.2, 10.4)). VitE levels weresignificantly lower in subjects with AD compared with controls (31.1(28.2, 34.0) vs 36.0 (32.8, 39.2), p = 0.035), BC levels were similarin subjects with AD and controls, but significantly elevated in thosewith VD (AD, 0.28 (0.2, 0.34); VD, 0.40, (0.27, 0.53): controls, 0.28(0.22, 0.34): VD vs controls, p = 0.046). There were no significantdifferences in LP or TAC between the three groups.Conclusions. Subjects with dementia attributed to Alzheimer's diseaseor to vascular disease have a degree of disturbance in antioxidantbalance which may predispose to increased oxidative stress. This maybe a potential therapeutic area for antioxidant supplementation. (C)1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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