(S-)-[C-11]nicotine binding assessed by PET: A dual tracer modelevaluated in the rhesus monkey brain

H. Lundqvist
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 238- 246
A dual tracer model, consisting of the administration of O-15-waterand (S)-(-)-[C-11]nicotine in close succession, is suggested toassess nicotine binding in the brain. Regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) determined by O-15-water was used to flow compensate twonicotine model parameters, Ic, and Ic,, obtained in a two-compartmentkinetic model. In the present study, this dual tracer approach wasevaluated in the rhesus monkey by altering the rCBF or byadministering (S)-(-)-[C-11]nicotine at either high or low specificradioactivity. The model parameter, k(2)* = k(2)/rCBF, was found tobe independent of rCBF In different regions of interest in the monkeybrain. The parameter, k(2)*, increased significantly when (S)-(-)-[C-11]nicotine was given at low specific radioactivity, indicating lowernicotine binding in the brain. Thus, this observation implies aninfluence on specific receptor binding on the corrected efflux rateconstant. This dual tracer model may be useful in evaluating nicotinebinding changes in the human brain and the effect of drug treatmentin neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease.

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