Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele in association with globalcognitive performance and CSF markers in Alzheimer's disease

R.A. Lasser
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 767- 774
To better define the influence of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) epsilon 4genotype on the cognitive and biochemical features of Alzheimer'sdisease (AD), cross-sectional analysis of global cognitive measuresand cerebrospinal fluid studies gathered on AD subjects at a tertiarycare facility between 1986 and 1997 was carried out. The 112 ADpatients examined included 62 women and 50 men with a mean (SD) ageof 64.2 (9.2) years. Patient demographics, illness onset age andduration, education level and global cognitive measures were recordedsystematically. Genetic analysis for ApoE allele type and biochemicalcharacterization of CSF, including total tau concentration, wasperformed. Descriptive statistics of demographics, cognitive and CSFmeasures were performed by chi-square, ANOVA and Tukey's tests.Overrepresentation of the epsilon 4 allele was found, with 45.5% ofAD patients heterozygous and 20.5% homozygous for ApoE epsilon 4.Overall, ApoE epsilon 4 status had no effect on mean onset age of AD(F = 1.56; p = 0.214), but an earlier mean onset age of AD (F = 4.10;p = 0.02) was seen in the late-onset subjects. No differences werefound with regard to ApoE epsilon 4 status and measures of disease,duration of illness or global cognitive performance. Although CSF tauwas elevated in our sample (575.4 +/- 290.3 pg/ml), ApoE epsilon 4status did not influence total CSF tau or neurotransmitter metabolitelevels. ApoE epsilon 4 genotype had no impact on a variety of illnessseverity, cognitive and CSF examinations in the largest cross-sectional analysis of AD subjects yet reported. (C) 1998 USGovernment.

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