A descriptive study of the work of community psychiatric nurses with elderly demented people. 23(6).

T. Adams
Bok Engelsk 1996
7 s.
This study examines the work of community psychiatric nurses (CPNs)with elderly demented people. A total of 14 cases, taken from thecaseloads of four CPNs, were examined by direct observation of CPNs'practice and in-depth interviews. The data were analysed using amethod suggested by Dey (1993). The validity of the findings waschecked internally by means of respondent validation and externallyby CPNs from other teams working with elderly demented people. It wasfound that the CPNs operated two strategies: one directed towards theclient and the other towards the family. The process underlying thesestrategies consisted of five overlapping phases: assessment,planning, intervention, evaluation, and termination. The CPNs'working process was set within a framework containing theirunderstanding of what they understood as 'community', the managementstyle within the team and the quality and availability of clinicalsupervision. This process is integrated with existing literature oncommunity psychiatric nursing and suggestions are made regardingpossible developments within the speciality.

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