Factors affecting the utilization of homecare supports by caregivingrelatives of Alzheimer patients

P. Vetter
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 111- 116
Thirty-six homecare patients with dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT)and their caregiving relatives were studied to determine the factorsinfluencing their use or nonuse of available medical, institutional,instrumental, and legal supports. The rate of utilization of homecaresupport was found to be surprisingly low. Only when the burden ofproviding care had become intolerable did relatives resort tohomecare support (homecare allowance, counseling, outpatientservices, etc.). The main reason for the low utilization was poorknowledge regarding the availability of homecare supports. Since allof the DAT patients were under the care of a family doctor, thisinformation deficit could best be overcome by improved counselingfrom personal physicians.

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