Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin is not associated with the increasedfrequency of apolipoprotein-E-epsilon-4 allele in elderly non-demented leprosy patients

M. Endoh
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 26- 28
In our previous study, elderly leprosy patients showed a lowprevalence of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type, but thefrequency of apolipoprotein E (APO-E) epsilon 4 was elevated in non-demented elderly leprosy patients. Recent study has shown thatAlzheimer's disease risk associated with APO-E epsilon 4 issignificantly increased by the alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin (ACT)genotype AA. Therefore we examined an association between ACTpolymorphism and the APO-E epsilon 4 allele in 350 leprosy patients.None of our data showed an association of ACT genotype and APO-Eepsilon 4 allele in leprosy patients. The allelic frequencies of theACT gene did not differ even between demented patients with leprosyand age-matched controls. Our present data suggest that ACTpolymorphism is not associated with the increased frequency of APO-Eepsilon 4 in leprosy patients.

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