Demens evaluert med Mini mental status undersøkelse. Et klinisk neurologisk pasientmateriale.

Mellgren SI
Bok Norsk
5 s
- The mini-mental state examination (MMSE) wasadministered to a neurological patient material with various disorders.The test was found useful for detecting cognitive impairment. The test didnot differentiate reliably between different causes of cognitiveimpairment. To detect dementia a cut-off score of 25 or less yielded 100%sensitivity and 97% specificity. The validity of the DSM-III-diagnosticcriteria for dementia, primary degenerative dementia andmulti-infarct dementia was high. The modified ischemic score (MIS) seemed to be oflimited value in differentiating primary degenerative dementia frommulti-infarct dementia.

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