Dementia of the Alzheimer's type and depression.

Larson E
Bok Engelsk
This retrospective review of medical records wasdesigned to address three questions: 1) Can the depression seen in somepatients with Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type (DAT) be successfullytreated? 2) Does this treatment lead to any long-term improvement in thepatient's cognitive status? and 3) Do patients with coexisting DATand depression have a different long-term clinical course thannondepressed DAT patients? In the authors' sample of 131 DAT subjects, 41(31%) also met DMS-III criteria for a major affective disorder. Ofthose DAT plus depression patients whose records reflected treatment(usually with a tricyclic antidepressant), 85% (17 of 20) showed clearevidence of improvement in mood, vegetative signs, or activities ofdaily living (ADLs) based on review of the medical record. Ananalysis of change in cognitive function (measured by the Folstein Mini-MentalState) and five global measures failed to reveal any differences betweenthe depressed and nondepressed groups after a mean interval of 17months. The depression that occurs in approximately one-quarter toone-third of DAT patients appears to respond to appropriate therapy.These patients often show improvement in their mood and ADLs but remaindemented.

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