Relation between premorbid personality and patterns of emotionexpression in mid- to late-stage dementia

C. Magai
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 1092- 1099
Twenty-seven nursing home patients with mid-to late-stage dementiaparticipated in a study of the relation between preillnesspersonality, as indexed by attachment and emotion regulation style,and current emotional behavior. Preillness measures were completed byfamily members and current assessments of emotion were supplied bynursing home aides and family members; in addition, emotion was codedduring a family visit using an objective coding system for facialemotion expressions. Attachment style was found to be related to theexpression of positive affect, with securely attached individualsdisplaying more positive affect than avoidantly attached individuals.In addition, high ratings on premorbid hostility were associated withhigher rates of negative affect and lower rates of positive affect.These findings indicate that premorbid aspects of personality showcontinuity over time, even in mid-to late-stage dementia. (C) 1997John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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