Typology of disruptive vocalizations in older persons suffering fromdementia

J. CohenMansfield
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 1079- 1091
Verbal and vocal disruptive behaviors (VDB) are important clinicalfeatures in dementia because they frequently signal discomfortexperienced by an elderly person and because they are disturbing tocaregivers, thereby affecting the care of elderly persons manifestingthem. This article describes a typology of VDB, the Typology ofVocalizations-TOV. The conceptual framework underlying thedevelopment of this typology includes the assumptions that VDBconsist of more than one type of behavior and that interventionsshould be matched to the etiology of the specific type of VDB. Thearticle reports interrater reliability of the typology and validatesit against Ryan's classification of verbal and vocal disruptivebehaviors. Critical dimensions of the typology are examined and usedfor its refinement. Finally, use of the TOV for matching individualsto the most effective intervention is demonstrated. (C) 1997 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

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