Episodic memory functioning in population-based samples of very oldadults with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

L. Hassing
Bok Engelsk 7
Side 376- 383
Population-based samples of normal old adults, patients withAlzheimer's disease (AD), and patients with vascular dementia (VaD)between 90 and 100 years of age were given a series of episodicmemory tasks, assessing face recognition, word recall, and objectrecall. Results indicated (a) no group differences in those variablesreflecting primary memory, and clear dementia-related deficits insecondary memory; (b) no differences between persons with AD and VaDin face recognition and object recall, and (c) an advantage of VaDpatients compared with AD patients in word recall. It was suggestedthat the ability to transfer information from temporary to permanentstorage may be particularly affected by a dementing disease. Inaddition, the selective AD-related deficit in word recall wasinterpreted in terms of a greater impairment of various language-related skills in AD compared with VaD.

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