Measures of psychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer patients: A review

M.F. Weiner
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 20- 30
This review of instruments for the identification and quantificationof psychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer disease (AD) is intended as areference source for clinicians and researchers concerned withevaluating, quantifying, and managing psychiatric symptoms in AD. Wereview 16 clinician- and caregiver-rated scales selected from > 30scales on the basis of their face validity, their psychometricproperties, the frequency of their use, and their promise asassessment instruments. Instruments are described in terms of thepopulation on which they were developed, the symptoms assessed,informant, by whom administered, time to administer, time intervalcovered, number of items, measurement of frequency and severity,assessment of impact on caregiver, reliability, validity, andscoring. Recommendations are made concerning the best use of eachscale. We summarize in table form the sources of information forinstruments, characteristics of the instruments by domain, andpotential use of instruments for quantification or management ofsymptoms and for estimation of caregiver burden. There are a numberof reliable and valid scales for the assessment of psychiatricsymptoms in AD, each with specific assets and liabilities. Knowledgeof the specifics of these scales will enable clinicians andresearchers to select the best instruments for their particular needsand to design more effective instruments.

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