Effect of repetition and inspection times on picture recall inpatients with dementia of Alzheimer type

R. Heun
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 152- 156
The present study is part of a series of systematic studies intendedto identify simple strategies of picture presentation to improverecall performance in demented subjects. The aims of this design wereto examine the effects of elaboration by naming, 4-fold repetitionand different inspection times on memory performance. 19 patientswith senile dementia of Alzheimer type and 21 control subjects withremitted depression were included. Picture recall was examined usingdifferent presentation conditions on 5 consecutive days. Thepresentation conditions significantly influenced recall performancedepending on the diagnosis and on the delay of recall. Naming ofpictures did not improve later recall or recognition. In both groupsrepetition improved memory performance. Shorter presentation timesdeteriorated immediate and delayed memory performance in comparisonwith the control condition. Forgetting did not depend on pictureinspection times in patients and control. This observation allows theuse of different presentation times for further comparisons ofinterventions in patients and control. Even though we could provideevidence of some minor memory improvements after some interventions,i,e. Prolonged inspection time and repetition. We suppose that thecognitive reserve capacity in demented subjects is limited and doesnot allow major memory improvements.

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