Non-Alzheimer forms of cortical degeneration: Frequency in clinicalpractice and clinical report of six cases

E. Farina
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 235- 242
Recent clinical and neuropathological studies suggest the possibilityof distinguishing some forms of cortical degeneration fromAlzheimer's disease. We report data on the frequency of non-Alzheimerforms of cerebral atrophy that were diagnosed on the basis ofclinical criteria. Six examples of these neurological disorders aredescribed: two patients with Lewy body disease; two patients withfrontal lobe type dementia, one of whom had associated features ofmotor neuron disease; a patient with primary progressive aphasia; anda patient with a familial dementia that was probably an atypical formof Pick's disease. (C)1996, Editrice Kurtis

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