Evolution of the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease

H. Braak
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 3- 12
Our knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer's diseaseis limited. The most conspicuous changes seen in the brain aredeposits of insoluble proteins in both extracellular andintraneuronal locations. The extracellular deposits consist primarilyof a specific A4 amyloid protein. The significance of these depositsremains to be determined, as they are often found in the cerebralcortex of non-demented elderly persons. More telling is the gradualaccumulation of insoluble fibrous material within some neurons thatconsists mainly of abnormally phosphorylated tau protein. Six stagesof increasingly severe cortical destruction can be distinguished.Stages I and II are characterized by neurofibrillary changes that arelargely confined to the transentorhinal region, whereas stages IIIand IV are marked by severe involvement of both the entorhinal andtransentorhinal regions. Isocortical destruction occurs during stagesV and VI. This progression in cortical pathology correlates with thegradual worsening of clinical symptoms.

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