Memory, attention, and executive function in chronic fatigue syndrome

E. Joyce
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 495- 503
Objectives-To examine cognitive function in chronic fatiguesyndrome.Methods-Twenty patients with chronic fatigue syndrome recruited fromprimary care and 20 matched normal controls were given CANTABcomputerised tests of visuospatial memory, attention, and executivefunction, and verbal tests of letter and category fluency and wordassociation learning.Results-Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were impaired,predominantly in the domain of memory but their pattern ofperformance was unlike that of patients with amnesic syndrome ordementia. They were normal on tests of spatial and patternrecognition memory, simultaneous and delayed matching to sample, andpattern-location association learning. They were impaired on tests ofspatial span, spatial working memory, and a selective remindingcondition of the pattern-location association learning test. Anexecutive test of planning was normal. In an attentional test, eightsubjects with chronic fatigue syndrome were unable to learn aresponse set; the remainder exhibited no impairment in the executiveset shifting phase of the test. Patients with chronic fatiguesyndrome were also impaired on verbal tests of unrelated wordassociation learning and letter fluency.Conclusion-Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have reducedattentional capacity resulting in impaired performance on effortfultasks requiring planned or self ordered generation of responses frommemory.

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