The taps project .30. Quality of life for elderly mentally illpatients - A comparison of hospital and community settings

W. Wills
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 953- 963
A study was mounted to compare the quality of life forpsychogeriatric patients in a psychiatric hospital with that in fourcommunity residences developed as part of a reprovision programme forthe hospital. The views of 61 relatives of hospital patients and 49relatives of community patients were compared. On all the items onwhich the two groups of relatives differed, greater satisfaction wasexpressed with the community facilities. These data were supplementedwith an observational study of patients' activities in the two typesof setting. Observations were made of 92 hospital patients and 82community patients. The average percentage time spent in socialcontact was greater for the community patients (p < 0.009), who alsospent more time having drinks between meals (p < 0.001) and beingwith relatives (p < 0.001). These observations confirmed therelatives' perception that the community residences provided a lessinstitutional environment than the hospital wards.

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