Reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the GMS-AGECATpackage for the assessment of dementia and cognitive disturbances

P. Saz
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 721- 728
This report confirms the reliability and validity of the GeriatricMental State-Automated Geriatric Examination for Computer AssistedTaxonomy (GMS-AGECAT) package in a Spanish elderly population. Nochanges in the original English version are considered necessary; Arepresentative sample (N = 1080) of the elderly (65+ years) communityin Zaragoza, Spain, stratified by age and sex was assessed. A two-phase screening was designed: phase I (lay interviewers): Spanishversions of GMS-AGECAT and Mini-Mental (MMSE); phase II(psychiatrists, N = 324): the same instruments and History andAetiology Schedule (HAS). Diagnosis: DSM-III-R criteria. Stringenttest-retest reliability coefficients were calculated by comparing lavinterviewers' (phase I) vs psychiatrists' (phase II) ratings. DSM-III-R psychiatric diagnoses in phase II were the gold standards for thevalidity study. Test-retest reliability coefficients of the cognitivesections of GMS were: case/no case distinction, mean kappa = 0.71;dementia/no dementia distinction, mean kappa = 0.80. GMS validitycoefficients: detection of cases, sensitivity = 98.4%; specificity =76.5%. Test-retest reliability coefficients of AGECAT: case/no casedistinction, mean kappa = 0.59; organic syndrome, dementia, meankappa = 0.68. Validity coefficients of AGECAT (psychiatrists'outputs): case/no case distinction, sensitivity = 90.6%; specificity= 89.3%; dementia/no dementia distinction, sensitivity = 86.4%;specificity = 94.3%.

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