Suicide in elderly depressed patients - Is active vs. passivesuicidal ideation a clinically valid distinction?

K. Szanto
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 197- 207
The authors determined differential clinical correlates of activesuicidal ideation vs. Passive death wish in elderly patients withrecurrent major depression. Measures of lifetime suicidal behaviorand ratings of suicidal ideation, hopelessness, and depressiondetermined ''ideator'' status. Active and Passive Ideators as weld asNon-ldeators were then compared Sixty percent of Active Ideatorsendorsed disgust or self-hatred items on the Beck DepressionInventory, compared with only 25% of Passive Ideators and 20% of Non-ldeators. However, these data challenge the clinical utility ofdistinguishing active and passive suicidal ideation among suchpatients because the two groups overall appear to be more alike thandifferent, and ideator status (passive vs. Active) may change duringan episode. Clinicians should therefore not be less clinicallyvigilant if such patients' suicidal ideation is ''only'' passive.

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