Dementia of the frontal lobe type: Report of the neuroimaging andneuropsychological results of a case study

A. Venneri
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 155- 160
We report the behavioural abnormalities, neuroimaging, andneuropsychological results of a 62-year-old patient, IF, who shows aclinical profile that fulfils all characteristics of dementia offrontal lobe type. The patient has been followed up over 5 years withpsychometric testing. Comparing her cognitive profiles acrossexaminations, her performance was substantially unchanged apart frombehavioural disturbances and performance on frontal tasks whichshowed a progressive worsening. MRI finding evidenced markedventricular enlargement, prevalent frontal atrophy and hypertrophy ofthe genus of corpus callosum. SPECT investigation showed aconsiderable reduction of cerebral blood flow in the mesial parts ofthe frontal lobes, in the lateral surface of the right fronto-parietal lobe, and hypo-perfusion in the right thalamic area. Theresults are discussed with reference to the features (clinical andneuropsychological) which distinguish different profiles of dementia.

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