An atypical neuroleptic drug in the treatment of behaviouraldisturbances and psychotic symptoms in elderly people

B. Robertson
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 142- 146
The present study is a retrospective study of remoxipride therapy. Atotal of 103 patients, 65 years or older, with a DSM-III-R diagnosisof dementia or delirium, were included. They had all been treatedwith remoxipride because of psychotic symptoms or behaviouraldisturbances. The dose range of remoxipride was 50-300 mg, the mediandose being 75 mg. The clinical effect was rated as good in two thirdsof the patients, and side-effects were noted in one fourth. Whenpsychomotor hyperactivity was the dominating problem, a good effectwas rated in 81% of the patients. Side-effects were few and mild, themost common being tiredness; only 5 patients showed extrapyramidalsymptoms.

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