The role of autoimmunity in vascular dementia

S. Tekin
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 91- 94
It is now known that immunologic mechanisms have a role in theinitiation of atherosclerotic processes. No antibodies againstvascular endothelial cell (VEC) specific antigenic systems have beendemonstrated in the pathogenesis of small vessel (lacunar) infarcts,though autoantibodies have been detected in 80% of patients withmulti-infarct dementia. We studied VEC-specific antibodies in 17patients with a diagnosis of vascular dementia; in 17 nondementedpatients with small vessel infarcts and in 16 healthy, nondementedcontrol group patients by using the Terasaki microtoxicity method.All three groups were correlated according to known risk factors. VEC-specific antibodies were positive in 94% demented patients, whereasno antibodies were detected in patients with small vessel infarcts orin the control group. This result may suggest the existence of animmunologic mechanism in the etiopathogenesis of vascular dementiadiffering form small vessel infarcts.

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