Psychiatric Morbidity Among Able Residents of Part-III Homes

D.J. Jolley
Bok Engelsk
DJ Jolley Withington Hosp Manchester M20 8LR
4 s.
Abstract One hundred and thirty residents of 11 Part III homes who had been in care for a year or more and had no cognitive impairment as assessment by the Crichton Royal Behavioural Rating Scale were investigated using the Clinical Interview Schedule, the 10-question Mental Test Score and standarized schedules for aphasia and parietal lobe function. Thirty per cent showed signs of early dementia; mild to moderate neurotic symptoms were common aming the remainder. Ten per cent had longstanding impairment of intellect or personality or were schizophrenic. Less than 15% warranted a diagnosis of neurotic depression or anxiety. most of this psychopathology was regarded as "normal" by senior staff. Relatively well-preserved "clients" presenting as "in need of care" should receive praticulary careful attention when formal assessment is reintroduced as a requirement before placement into rest homes at public expense. Those failing because of mild/moderate dementia are likely to benefit from admission while others may find life in care frustrating and depressing.

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