A Star is born

music: Harold Arlen ; lyrics: Ira Gershwin
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1954 Judy Garland
Arlen, Harold (komp.)
Gershwin, Ira (tekstf.)
New York : Columbia / Legacy , 1954 / 2004
1 CD : digital
Cd'en inneholder musikk hentet fra soundtrack'et til filmen "A star is born" (1954). - Opplysninger om musikken og filmen finnes i tekstheftet. - Innhold: Overture ; Night of the stars ; Gotta have me go with you ; Norman at home ; Pasion oriental ; The man that got away ; Cheatin' on me ; I'm quitting the band ; The man that got away (instrumental version) ; Esther in the boarding house ; Oliver Niles studio ; Esther's awful makeup ; First day in the studio ; Born in a trunk ; Easy come, easy go ; Here's what I'm here for ; The honeymoon ; It's a new world ; Someone at last ; Lose that long face ; Norman overhears the conversation ; It's a new world (alt. take) ; The last swim ; Finale - end credits ; When my sugar walks down the street ; The Trinidad coconut oil shampoo commercial. - Utøvere: Judy Garland, sang ; m.fl.

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