Valley of Love

regi - G.Nicloux
DVD Fransk 2016 · Drama
Flere språk: Engelsk
Tekstet på: Engelsk
<S.l.> : Artificial eye : Curzon , 2016
1 DVD (88 min)
Black comedy directed by Guillaume Nicloux starring Gérard Depardieu and Isabelle Huppert as a previously married but now long-estranged couple Gérard and Isabelle. They are brought together again in Death Valley, California, by the suicide of their adult son Michael, whom neither Gérard or Isabelle has spoken to in years, who has left a letter stating that he will reappear to them in the valley at a specific time and location. Unsure whether this is Michael's way of seeking some form of revenge or whether the trip is designed to bring them together, Gérard and Isabelle reluctantly adhere to his instructions.
Nkr. 249.00

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