Fifty short science fiction tales

edited and with introductions by Isaac Asimov and Groff Conklin
Bok Engelsk 1963 · Noveller
New York : Collier Books , 1963
287 s.
1st ed.
Contents: A bad day for sales / Fritz Leiber -- Who's cribbing / Jack Lewis -- Spectator sport / John D. MacDonald -- The cricket ball / Avro Manhattan -- Double-take / Winston K. Marks -- Prolog / John P. McKnight -- The available data on the Worp Reaction / Lion Miller -- Narapoia / Alan Nelson -- Tiger by the tail / Alan E. Nourse -- Counter charm / Peter Phillips -- The fly / Arthur Porges -- The business, as usual / Mack Reynolds -- Two weeks in August / Frank M. Robinson -- See? / Edward G. Robles, Jr. -- Appointment at noon / Eric Frank Russel- l -- We don't want any trouble / James H. Schmitz -- Built down logically / Howard Schoenfeld -- An egg a month from all over / Idris Seabright -- The perfect woman / Robert Sheckley -- The hunters / Walt Shel- don -- The martian and the magician / Evelyn E. Smith -- Barney / Will Stanton -- Talent / Theodore Sturgeon -- Project hush / William Tenn -- The great judge / A. E. Van Vogt -- Emergency landing / Ralph Williams -- Obviously suicide / S. Fowler Wright.. - Contents: The fun they had / Isaac Asimov -- Men are different / Alan Bloch -- The ambassadors / Anthony Boucher -- The weapon / Fredric Brown -- Random sample / T. P. Caravan -- Oscar / Cleve Cartmill -- T- he mist / Peter Cartur -- Teething ring / James Causey -- The haunted space suit / Arthur C. Clarke -- Stair trick / Mildred Clingerman -- Unwelcome tenant / Roger Dee -- The mathematicians / Arthur Feldman --- The third level / Jack Finney -- Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful / Stuart Friedman -- The figure / Edward Grendon -- The rag thing / David Grinnell -- The good provider / Marion Gross -- Columbus was a dope / Robert A. Heinlein -- Texas week / Albert Hernhuter -- Hilda / H. B. Hickey -- The choice / W. Hilton-Young -- Not with a bang / Damon Knigh- t --The altar at midnight / C. M. Kornbluth.
Noveller - Samlinger

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