Gravity and strings

Tomás Ortín, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Bok Engelsk 2015
XXVI, 1015 sider : : illustrasjoner ;
Second edition.
Differential geometry -- Symmetries and Noether's theorems -- A perturbative introduction to general relativity -- Action principles for gravity -- Pure N=1,2,d=4 supergravities -- Matter-coupled N=1,d=4 supergravity -- Matter-coupled N=2,d=4 supergravity -- A generic description of all the N=2,d=4 SUEGRAS -- Matter-coupled N=1,d=5 supergravity -- Conserved charges in general relativity -- The Schwarzschild black hole -- The Reissner-Nordstrom black hole -- The Taub-NUT solution -- Gravitational pp-waves -- The Kaluza-Klein black hole -- Dilaton and dilaton/axion black holes -- Unbroken supersymmetry I: supersymmetric vacua -- Unbroken supersymmetry II: partially supersymmetric solutions -- Supersymmetric black holes from supergravity -- String theory -- The string effective action and T duality -- From eleven to four dimensions -- The type-IIB superstring and type-II T duality -- Extended objects -- The extended objects of string theory -- String black holes in four and five dimensions -- The FGK formalism for (single, static) black holes and branes.

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