Talking with the taxman about poetry

Billy Bragg
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2006 · pop
Barker, Martyn (utøv.)
Edmonds, Lu (utøv.)
Edwards, Simon (utøv.)
Mandelson, Ben (utøv.)
McLagan, Ian (utøv.)
London : Cooking Vinyl ; COOK CD 304 , 2006
2 CDer + 1 hefte
1. utg. 1985 & 1986. - Opplysninger om utøverne i heftet. - Innhold: Greetings to the new brunette ; Train train ; The marriage ; Ideology ; Levi Stubbs' tears ; Honey I'm a big boy now ; There is power in a union ; Help save the youth of America ; Wishing the days away ; The passion ; The warmest room ; The home front ; Sin city ; Deportees ; There is power in a union ; The track of my tears ; Wishing the days away ; The clashing of ideologies ; Greetings to the new brunette ; A nurse's life is full of woe ; Only bad signs ; Hold the fort. - Billy Bragg the Blokes: Billy Bragg, Ben Mandelson, Ian McLagan, Lu Edmonds, Martyn Barker, Simon Edwards
pop . - rock

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