Star wars. Episode II. Attack of the clones

music composed and conducted by John Williams
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2002 · filmmusikk
London : Sony , 2002
1 CD
Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Sony: SK 89932. - Innhold: Star Wars main title and Ambush of Coruscant ; Across the stars ; Zam the assassin and the chase through Coruscant ; Yoda and the younglings ; Departing Coruscant ; Anakin and Padmé ; Jango's escape ; The Meadow picnic ; Bounty Hunter's pursuit ; Return to Tatooine ; The Tusken camp and the homestead ; Love pledge and the arena ; Confrontation with Count Dookue and finale. - Utøvere: London Symphony Orchestra, John Williams (dirigent)

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Star wars. Episode II. Attack of the clones
music composed and conducted by John Will...

Musikknoter · Engelsk · 2002

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