Fast food nation

Richard Linklater
VHS Spansk 2006
Flere språk: Fransk
[California] : Fox , 2006
1 DVD (1 t, 54 min)
When a merketing executive for Mickey's burger chain is told there's a nasty secret ingredient in his latest culinary creation, "The Big One", he heads for the ranches and slaughterhouses of Colorado to investigate, but discovers the truth a bit difficult to swallow. The film is based on the book "Fast food nation" by Eric Schlosser.

Andre utgaver/formater

Fast food nation
directed by Richard Linklater

DVD · Engelsk · 2006
Fast food nation
screenplay by Eric Schlosser & Richard Li...

Bok · Spansk · 2007
Fast food nation
screenplay by Eric Schlosser & Richard Li...

Film/Video, ukjent format, DVD · Engelsk · 2008

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