The Complete short stories of H.G. Wells
Herbert George Wells H.G. Wells
Bok Engelsk 1970 Herbert George Wells,· Noveller
Utgitt | London : Ernest Benn , 1970
Omfang | 1038 s.
Opplysninger | Engelsk tekst. - Innhold: Fra "The time machine and other stories": "The time machine", "The empire of the ants", "A vision of judgement", "The land of ironclads", "The beautiful suit", "The door in the wall", "The pearl of love" og "The country of the blind". Fra "The stolen bacillus and other incidents": "The stolen Bacillus", "The flowering of the strange orchid", "In the avu observatory", "The triumphs of a taxidermist", "A deal in ostriches", "Through a window", "The temptation of Harringay", "The flying man", "The diamond maker", "Æpyornis island", "The remarkable case of Davidson's eyes", "The lord of the Dynamos", "The Hammerpond park burglary", "The moth" og "The treasure in the forest". Fra "The Plattner story and others": "The Plattner story", "The argonauts of the air", "The story of the late Mr. Elvesham", "In the abyss", "The apple", "Under the knife", "The sea raiders", "Pollock and the Porroh man", "The red room", "The cone", "The purple pileus", "The jilting of Jane", "In the modern vein: An unsympathetic love story", "A catastrophe", "The lost inheritance", "The sad story of a dramatic critic" og "A slip under the microscope". Fra "Tales of space and time": "The crystal egg", "The star", "A story of the stone age", "A story of the days to come" og "The man who could work miracles". Fra "Twelve stories and a dream": "Filmer", "The magic shop", "The valley of spiders", "The truth about Pyecraft", "Mr. Skelmersdale in fairyland", "The inexperienced ghost", "Jimmy goggles the god", "The new accelerator", "Mr. Ledbetter's vacation", "The stolen body", "Mr. Brisher's treasure", "Miss Winchelsea's heart" og "A dream of armageddon", samt novellene "The reconcilliation", "My first aeroplane", "Little mother up the Morderberg", "The story of the last trump" og "The grizzly folk"
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ISBN | 0510403018