The works

of William Shakespeare ; from the text of Alexander Dyce
Bok Engelsk 1868
Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz , 1868
7 b.
2nd ed.
Innhold: B.1: Measure for measure. The comedy of errors. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. A midsummer-night's dream. The merchant of Venice. As you like it. ; B.2: The taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth-night, or What you will. The winter's tale. King John. King Richard II. ; B.3: The first part of King Henry IV. The second part of King Henry IV. King Henry V. The first part of King Henry VI. The second part of King Henry VI. ; B.4: The third part of King Henry VI. King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Titus Andronicus. ; B.5: Coriolanus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Cæsar. Macbeth. : B.6: Hamlet, Prince of denmark. King Lear. Othello, the Moor of Venice. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. ; B.7: Pericles. The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor. Poems: Venus and Adonis. Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim. The life of William Shakespeare. Glossary
Shakespeare, William , forf. , 1564-1616

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The Works of William Shakespeare. 8.
William Shakespeare

Bok · Engelsk · 1866
The Works of William Shakspere. 8.
William Shakespeare

Bok · Engelsk · 1888

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