Sexology in context : a scientific anthology

Bok Engelsk 2019
Lewin, Bo, (redaktør)
Træen, Bente, (redaktør)
Oslo : Skaff , 2019
Beskrivelse: This book represents an alternative to existing Anglo-american academic literature in the field of sexology. Expressions of sexuality are discussed within a social and a cultural context. Furthermore, it is emphasised that sexual encounters always takes place within such a context. The book is primarly targeted at students of sexology at universities and other institutions of higer learning on Europe. Other target groups are bachelor and master degree students in psychology, sociology, education, social works and other social and behavioural sciences, as well as students at medicaland nursing schools. With references and index.
306.7 . - 612.6
9788215012612 : Nkr 399.00

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Sexology in context : a scientific anthology
Bente Træen & Bo Lewin [(eds.)]

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Sexology in context : a scientific anthology
Bente Træen & Bo Lewin [(eds.)]

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