Readings in Saami history, culture and language. III.

edited by Roger Kvist
Bok Engelsk 1992
Kvist, Roger (redaktør)
Umeå : Center for Arctic Cultural Research, University of Umeå , 1992
III, 142 s. : ill.
Har bibliografi. - Innhold: Protosaami bronze age in Northern Scandinavia - a provocative view / Lars Forsberg. Saami prehistory in the south Saami area / Inger Zachrisson. The names of the Saami thunder-god in the light of dialect geography / Håkan Rydving. Saami and Lenapes meet Swedish colonizers in the seventeenth century / Gunlög Fur. Swedish Saami policy, 1550-1990 / Roger Kvist. Land ownership among the Saami of Sweden-Finland: theory and practice / Kaisa Korpijaakko. Social stratification and marriage among the Saami in Talma and Könkämä, 1901-1923 / Johannes Marainen. Saami education in Sweden in the 1900's / Sten Henrysson. Reindeer herding on the Kola peninsula: Report of a visit with Saami herders of Sovkhoz tundra / Hugh Beach
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