International development. Vol. 2. Dependency and underdevelopment

Bok Engelsk 2010
London : Sage , 2010
X, 364 s.
Contents: Ester Boserup: Women's Role in Economic Development (3-32); Naila Kabeer: Gender, Development, and Training: Raising Awareness in the Planning Process (33-46); Cecile Jackson: Doing What Comes Naturally? Women and Environment in Development (47-76); Martha C. Nussbaum: The Future of Feminist Liberalism (77-108); Robert Chambers: The Origins and Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal (109-138); Amartya Sen: Welfare, Preferance and Freedom (139- 154); Thomas Pogge: Priorities of Global Justice (155-174); Arturo Escobar: Discourse and Power in Development: Michel Foucault and the Relevance of His Work to the Third World (175-198); Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson (199-218); Jan Nederveen Pieterse: After Post-Development (219-240); Edward W. Said: Orientalism (241-276); Dipesh Chakrabarty: Minority Histories, Subaltern Pasts (277-294); Enrique Dussel: Eurocentrism and Modernity (Introduction to the Frankfurt Lectures) (295-304); Achille Mbembe: Provisional Notes on the Postcolony (305-346); Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler: On Economic Causes of Civil War (347- 358); Roland Paris: International Peacebuilding and the 'Mission Civilsatrice' (359- 382); William Reno: The Politics of Insurgency in Collapsing States (383-404); Morten Bøås and Kathleen M. Jennings:Insecurtiy and development: the rhetoric of the Failed state (405-415).

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