International development. Vol. 4. Feminism, human development and post-development

Bok Engelsk 2010
London : Sage , 2010
X, 415 s.
Contents: Bela Balassa: Trade Policies in Developing Countries (3-16); Jagdish N. Bhagwati: Directly Unproductive Profit-Seeking (DUP) Activities (17-30); Robert H. Bates: The Issue Basis of Rural Politics in Africa (31-48); Anne O. Krueger: Government Failures in Development (49-64); John Williamson: Democracy and the "Washington Consensus" (65-80); Ester Boserup: Environment, Population, and Technology in Primitive Societies (81-96); Norman E. Borlaug, Ignacio Narvaez, Oddvar Aresvik and R. Glenn Anderson: A Green Revolution Yields a Golden Harvest (97-112); Keith Hart: Informal Income Opportunities and Urban Employment in Ghana (113-140); Mahbub ul Haq: The Limits to Growth: A Critique (141-150); Paul Streeten: Basic Needs: Some Unsettled Questions (151-160); Piers Blaikie and Harold Brookfield: Defining and Debating the Problem (161-190); World Commission on Environment and Development: The Concept of Sustainable Development (191- 212); Wilfred Beckerman: Economic Growth and the Environment: Whose Growth? Whose Environment? (213-238); Nicolas Stern: Implications of Climate Change for Development (239-278); Michael Mann: The Autonomous Power of the State: Its Origins, Mechanisms and Results (279-304); Garrett Hardin: The Tragedy of the Commons (305-320); Elinor Ostrom, Joanna Burger, Christopher B. Field, Richard B. Norgaard and David Poicansky: Revisitting the Commons: Local Lessons, Global Challenges (321-334); Douglass C. North: Insitutions and Economic Growth: An Historical Introduction (335-356); Robert Wade: What Can Economics Learn from East Asian Success? (357-370); Alice H. Amsden: Why Isn't the Whole World Experimenting with the East Asian Model to Develop? - Review of The East Asian Miracle (371-384); David Williams and Tom Young: Governance, the World Bank and Liberal Theory (385-404).
Development research
Development theory
Reference materials
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