Clinical aspects of cognitive functioning in aging and dementia : Data from a population-based study of very old adults

Michaela Grut
Bok Engelsk 1995
Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet , 1995
46 s.+papers
Akademisk avhandling som för avleäggande anv doktorsexamen i medicinsk vetenskap vid Karolinska institutet offentligen försvaras fredagen den 16 juni 1995.... - ABSTRACT: The general purpose of this thesis was to increase our knowledge concerning varions clinical aspects of cognitive and memory functioning in old age, with special reference to those problems the clinician may encounter in meeting the older patient. A variety of specific research issues were addresed ranging from factors influencing the prevalence of dementia, whether dementia may be adequately screened using mentals status exams, and the realtionship between mamory complaints and cognitive performance, to predictors of cognitive and memory performance within demographic (e.g. age, education, gender), psychometric(e.g., performance and verbal IQ), and somatic(e.g., the presence of cardivascular signs) domains. all six studies forming the emirical basis of the thesis were performed using data from the first wave of the Kungsholmen Project, which is a population-based, longitudinal study on aging and dementia targeting individuals above 74 years of age.. - Studies.

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