Ethical conflicts in long-term care of aged patients : An ontological model of the care situation

Göran m.fl. Bexell
Bok Engelsk
3 s.
Abstract - The care of the patients is analysed by means of an ontological model of ethics developed by Lögstrup. The analysis is based om experience from the care of aged patients with dementia. The patient and the caretaker are linked by a mutual dependence, the interdependence. the interdependence provides a state of mutual power. The caretaker influences the patient. The patient influences the caretaker.The interdependence thus produces an ethical demand and a responsibility of both patient and caretaker. The ethical demand introduces a tension between spontaneity and role (routines, professionalism) in the caretakers. Care work is distinguished by a dynamic interaction between patient and caretaker. The nature of this interaction makes it reasonable to regard care work as a vocation. When an aged patient with dementia enters the terminal phase and become difficult to spoon-feed, all care-takers should discuss and share the decision of "tube-feeding" or "no tube-feeding". If the decision is reserved for the medical chief, the other care-takers are deprived of their human ethical competence.

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