Development and consequences of group living in Sweden : A new mode of care for the demented elderly

Lena Annerstedt
Bok Engelsk
Artikkel i bok
Paper 1. - ABSTRACT: The process of developing a new mode of care for the demented elderly, group living (GL), is evaluated and the consequiences discussed.. - The increasing propotion of very old persons in Sweden means a higher prevalence of dementia. The majority of patients in traditional institutional long term care show cognitive deteroriation. An insufficient caring situation, both in quantity and quality has long been observed. This, and a better knowledge and an alternative care model, group living (GL), for well defined groups of demented elderly. The concept of GL discussed here means a setting strictly adapted to the abilities and psychosocial needs of moderately diseased Alzheimer and vascular demented patients. Security, integrity promoting therapy and activation are specially stressed. The importance of informing and educating different kinds of actors simultaneously to structural changes in social and physical patterns within the implementation of the new concept is illustrated.

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