Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

Jonathan. Pevsner
Bok Engelsk 2005 · Electronic books.
Hoboken : : Wiley, , 2005.
1 online resource (789 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - BIOINFORMATICS AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS; Contents in Brief; Contents; Foreword; Preface; PART I ANAlYZlNG DNA, RNA, AND PROTEIN SEQUENCES IN DATABASES; 1 Introduction; Organization of The Book; Bioinformatics: The Big Picture; A Consistent Example: Retinol-Binding Protein; Organization of The Chapters; Suggestions For Students and Teachers: Web Exercises and Find-a-Gene; Key Bioinformatics Websites; Suggested Reading; References; 2 Access to Sequence Data and Literature Information; Introduction to Biological Databases; GenBank: Database of Most Known Nucleotide and Protein Sequences. - (1) LocusLink: Centralized Resource for Information on Genes and ProteinsNCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq): Best Representative Sequences; (2) UniGene; (3) Entrez; (4) European Bioinformatics Institute and Ensembl; (5) ExPASy; Example of How to Access Sequence Data: HIV pol; Access to Biomedical Literature; PubMed Central and Movement toward Free Journal Access; Example of PubMed Search: RBP; Box 2-2. Venn Diagrams of Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT for Hypothetical Search Terms 1 and 2; Perspective; Pitfalls; Web Resources; Discussion Questions; Problems; Self-Test Quiz; Suggested Reading. - Amount of Sequence DataOrganisms in GenBank; Types of Data in GenBank; Genomic DNA Databases; cDNA Databases Corresponding to Expressed Genes; Protein Databases; Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs); ESTs and UniGene; Sequence-Tagged Sites (STSs); Genome Survey Sequences (GSSs); High-Throughput Genomic Sequence (HTGS); National Center for Biotechnology Information; Introduction to NCBI: Home Page; PubMed; Entrez; BLAST; OMIM; Books; Taxonomy; Structure; Accession Numbers: Labels to Identify Sequences; Box 2-1. Types of Accession Numbers; Five Ways to Access DNA and Protein Sequences. - Practical Usefulness of PAM Matrices in Pairwise AlignmentImportant Alternative to PAM: BLOSUM Scoring Matrices; Pairwise Alignment and Limits of Detection; Alignment Algorithms: Global and Local; Global Sequence Alignment: Algorithm of Needleman and Wunsch; Box 3-6. Genetics Computer Group; Local Sequence Alignment: Smith and Waterman Algorithm; Rapid, Heuristic Versions of Smith-Waterman: FASTA and BLAST; Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST); Significance of Pairwise Alignments: Percent Identity; Box 3-7. Dot Plots; Tests for Statistical Significance of Pairwise Alignments. - References3 Pairwise Sequence Alignment; Introduction; Protein Alignment: Often More Informative Than DNA Alignment; Definitions: Homology, Similarity, Identity; Box 3-1. Structures and One- and Three-Letter Abbreviations of Twenty Common Amino Acids; Box 3-2. Algorithms and Programs; Gaps; Pairwise Alignment, Homology, and Evolution of Life; Dayhoff Model: Accepted Point Mutations; Box 3-3. Dayhoff's Protein Superfamilies; PAM1 Matrix; PAM250 and Other PAM Matrices; Box 3-4. Genetic Code; Box 3-5. Matrix Multiplication; From a Mutation Probability Matrix to a Log-Odds Score Matrix. - Statistical Significance of Global Alignments. - Wiley is proud to announce the publication of the first ever broad-based textbook introduction to Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics by a trained biologist, experienced researcher, and award-winning instructor. In this new text, author Jonathan Pevsner, winner of the 2001 Johns Hopkins University ""Teacher of the Year"" award, explains problem-solving using bioinformatic approaches using real examples such as breast cancer, HIV-1, and retinal-binding protein throughout. His book includes 375 figures and over 170 tables. Each chapter includes: Problems, discussion of Pitfalls, Boxes explain

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